I take this opportunity to thank all those missionaries who, in response to Christ’s call, have left everything behind to go far from their homeland and bring the Good News to places where people have not yet received it, or received it only recently.
Dear friends, your generous dedication is a tangible expression of your commitment to the mission ad gentes that Jesus entrusted to his disciples: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19).
Pope Francis, Message for World Mission Sunday 2024.
With the help of supporters such as yourself, at a global level The Pontifical Mission Societies have touched the lives of millions of people this last year:
Projects in mission territories for the education and protection of children.
Novices in their formation courses.
Minor and major seminarians.
New churches in 5 continents.
The Societies are four:
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Society of St Peter Apostle, the Missionary Childhood Association, and the Missionary Union. Though all of them are at the service of Pope Francis and give support to missionaries spreading the Gospel, each does so in its own way.
Lourdes Leon
Diocese of Orange Mission Office
I joined the Mission family in 2022, transferring from the diocesan tribunal: It has truly enriched my journey of mission and evangelization. As I meet missionaries from around the world at our Pastoral Center and connect through our programs my eyes are opening to the wider embrace of our global Church.
Through TPMS, I’ve discovered the profound interconnectedness of the Body of Christ that transcends all, igniting my passion for sharing its ripple effects within our Diocese and beyond through World Mission Sunday, the Missionary Cooperative Program, and the Missionary Childhood Association.
The Diocese of Orange Mission Office is actively nurturing these efforts, particularly with MCA by this year’s successful collective virtual prayer services with other California dioceses (Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Fresno, and San Bernardino). Together, we hosted virtual prayer services in our Catholic schools during Lent and Advent and watched students come alive as they not only learned about our mission work but also learned to pray alongside peers from across California. This is a tangible sign of unity and opportunity to express our mission efforts.

The positive responses from both teachers and students reaffirmed the importance of these collaborative endeavors and inspired me to continue our MCA efforts with renewed vigor. We are hoping to continue to grow our Mission Office and reach our local communities, showing them that everyone can be a part of TPMS.
Paul Cillo
Missionary Childhood Association Philadelphia
Since I joined The Pontifical Mission Societies just over a year ago, my perspective of what it means to be part of the Church has broadened. The Societies help me stay connected and aware of how the Church is growing and struggling around the world and how I can help through my own prayer and sacrifice. A Mission mindset has infiltrated just about everything I do, from my interactions with my family and my parish to simple tasks such as how I view my water usage and my personal budget. To be part of TPMS means I am participating in the global efforts of the Church to make disciples of all nations which has rippled through my life.

Fr. Duong Nguyen, SVD
Director of the Mission office in San Bernardino, California
I am a member of the Divine Word Missionaries, and I have been with TPMS since July 2023. My ministry’s motto is “Jesus’ Mission Yesterday is Our Mission Today!” which reflects my commitment to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and spread His message of love and compassion.
In my role, I work closely with the one mission family of the Pontifical Mission Societies, which allows me to see the global impact of Jesus’ mission in the Catholic Church. I collaborate with other brothers and sisters who share my passion for animating Jesus’ mission in their local dioceses and making a positive difference in people’s lives.
When I visit different churches and schools in the Diocese of San Bernardino, I aim to ignite the missionary spirit in everyone. We are all missionaries, and we must share the Good News of Jesus with others.

Through my work with the Missionary Childhood Association, I encourage children to embrace their missionary spirit and start making a positive impact right away. We don’t have to wait until we are much older to make a difference.
Hilda Ochoa
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, Houston Texas
After some years in parish ministry, in 1992 I was called to serve the Church in a new way: As Assistant Director of the Mission Office for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. This was an unexpected gift from God and I was excited when I realized that the job would encompass the entire world. When the director moved on, I replaced him in the leadership role.
In this capacity, I have been working to create awareness of our baptismal call to “go to the ends of the earth” in missionary service. I have promoted the Pontifical Mission Societies’ programs, inviting our diocese to support the essential work of the Church around the world. I have coordinated annual World Mission Sunday events and served in leadership roles in the Texas Mission Council and the National Board for the Pontifical Mission Societies.
In his book, Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis reminds us of the message of St. Pope John Paul II, “Today, missionary activity still represents the greatest challenge for the Church”.

I have been honored to have spent the last thirty years of my life responding to this challenge as a part of the Pontifical Mission Society family.
I continue to look to God for guidance to face life’s challenges. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to share my faith and service and wish to express my gratitude for the friendships and sense of fulfillment I have been blessed with along the way.
Joe and Joan McSweeny
Gospel-Inspired Faith in Action
Joe and Joan McSweeny’s involvement with The Pontifical Mission Societies began in the late 1990s at St. Gabriel’s Parish, New Jersey. Their parish priest, Monsignor Robert Fuhrman, introduced them to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, igniting their long-standing commitment. “Monsignor Fuhrman asked if we would feel comfortable giving to this organization,” Joe recalls, highlighting their early ties to what they affectionately call the “Prop.”
Their commitment was further deepened by their previous support for the Franciscan Missions, inspired by a Carmelite priest, who supported the family when Joan’s father was hospitalized.
Reflecting on their motivation to support the Pope’s missions, Joe notes, “It’s the Gospel, really. To help the neediest in the world. The missions are in the toughest environments, and giving money seems like nothing compared to what the missionaries are giving. If you are a Christian of any sort, this must resonate with you.”