As the summer sun shines upon us, we find ourselves celebrating a beloved American holiday - Independence Day. This is a time when we come together to celebrate the freedom and opportunities our nation provides.
In Southern Albania, a small Catholic community of 4,000 thrives under the guidance of 83 missionaries in a predominantly Muslim and Orthodox region. Bishop Giovani Peragine describes the situation as a "missionary emergency" and highlights a significant spiritual reawakening. Support is needed to provide resources for chapels, catechetical training, and maintaining the missionary presence, helping to nurture this resilient community.
“Amidst the rubble and ruins, however, faith endures” Read in our latest blog about how the Malawian community coped with the harsh reality caused by cyclone Freddy, and how compassion and peace was not absent among those affected by the torrential rains.
After his experience of the Church in Malawi, Mark Poletunow have no doubt that the Body of Christ is vibrant and alive. His encounter with the people of Malawi infused his own spiritual journey to keep proclaiming with conviction that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Read his testimony!