The Pope Pius XI Society
Leadership in Missionary Support
Historical Significance of World Mission Sunday
In 1926, Pope Pius XI instituted by papal decree World Mission Sunday, the feast of Catholicity and universal solidarity as Christians the world over will recognize their common responsibility with regard to evangelization around the world.
The Pontifical Mission Societies extends membership to the Pope Pius XI Society to donors who make gifts or pledges totaling $5,000 or more each fiscal year. Pope Pius XI Society members demonstrate leadership to Catholics across America by supporting, in a substantive way, the Holy Father’s annual appeal for missions and missionaries. With that in mind, membership in the Pope Pius XI Society is renewable on an annual basis (January 1 – December 31)
Benefits of Pope Pius XI Society Membership
As a Pope Pius XI Society member, you will maintain a close connection to The Pontifical Mission Societies through a series of briefings and events. Benefits include the following:
Invitations to events honoring Pope Pius XI Society members (typically held each October during World Mission Month)
Recognition from Pontifical Mission Society leadership
Recognition in the annual Gratitude Report